Wednesday, January 18, 2012


How do you know enough is enough ? Okay , first off every thing went better than expected at the hospital appointment that I had . There was some thing on the mammogram but they tell me it is just fatty tissue and breast fibers ? Who knew ....breast  fibers ?  Well it is day two of taking care of my almost  mother in law . And her being here from the hospital . I am not as tried as I thought I would be . Yet . with getting up in the middle of the night to suction her trac , making sure she is comfortable ,cooking for her, cleaning her, all around care cause some one needs to do it .  ( Anyway ....)So far I am on top of things . My boyfriend than tells my daughter yesterday  that I am sending him to the poor house . I am just trying to make sure his mother has everything she needs I can't help it he has no help except from his own family with paying for her medications and supplies that her insurance doesn't cover . It is hard  on him . I try to make it easy for him though, I keep the house clean (well I did that anyway ), have dinner ready when he is ready to eat supper and I also have his lunch ready when he comes home for lunch and  mind you I am taking care of his mom 24 hours a day .That is where this may come in handy as a vent you know if I get a little too worked up I can come here to keep from pinching any ones head off. My feet are killing me though .

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