Wednesday, July 23, 2014


 I have been canning like crazy . I received a caner for Christmas and after I have gotten the hang of it I have canned my heart out . From Tomato Juice to ,Tomatoes , Pickles, Peppers, Chicken noodle soup , Beans . Gosh, just what ever I can , CAN . I do . I find it so much more satisfying to know exactly I am feeding my family , and neighbors . lol  I grow it and can it or freeze it . I find it opening up a whole new taste pallet for me and my whole family . Healthier the better and I save so much money not having to buy canned foods at the grocery stores . I find myself thinking about what things I can plant in my gardens that I can put to good use  in my pantry . This year I have an abundance of Tomatoes but I have found out that I have many friends that grow gardens and we trade out what one has for what one doesn't have so It is working out very well . Next year will only get better .  

I am so proud of my Tomatoes .I can not believe how big they are getting these are where the big Yellow Tomatoes came from they are lower in acid I here they taste so sweet awesome for juice .
Huge Tomato Plants
I am so proud of myself . Just to be doing something so great for my Family and friends.

 Second Batch Pick                    
Peppers and Carrots

The Peppers and Carrots and Onions I found on 

the internet.

I have been making my own cooking oils for several years . 
 I love my new way to 
feed my family . I say new way because It is new to me.
Italian beans 

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