Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Social Media

    What a day yesterday was , I have come to find out that one of these social media conglomerate has  become a pain in my side , But, through it all I will move on . But this first , One has FB for staying in touch with children that have left home , family memebers that may be far away , I found it a place to stay in touch in some moronic way, I too have fell victim to its ease of trying to stay in contacts with those that are away from me . Being able to see post that they put up as and One corresponds by liking and what not . A place to see a steal a glimpse at people that have been ripped out of Ones life. 
    But ,  I am sad and worn out , tired and heart broken and left unknowing of results of yesterday and today . I hate that Facebook has become a place where some come and communicate . Like it is easier to go there and not know what's going on and miss communicate feelings and emotions by seeing pictures or reading posts and not know what going on  instead of staying in touch by phone or letter , by card or box. I admit it is a faster way to communicate But, It has also made it easier to be distant , Easier to be Hurt by not knowing , Angry perhaps because One feels left out of something Joyful or something Sad , Isolated from those you love  , Helpless for not being able to be closer when their is an illness a death . Frustrated because One can not be with those they care about  to share in a moment . Whatever that moment maybe.
    When did we lose touch as a Family ,as Human Beings ? 
    Why do we make it harder on ourselves when we are already  away from those we love ? 
    When do we forgive misunderstandings ? Why Is it easier to Hurt? I could tell someone I love them for who they are .No matter where they live . No matter what they do , or how they  it ,or who there are doing it with ,as long as they are happy . I could careless .
When will love once again be enough ? I am ready for Peace and being able to Heal.To grow past this and once again be whole and happy. For you and for me .For humankind . Why most people is hurt each other . When did we a humans become so busy that we can not even pick you a phone ? Or write a letter  ?   I came to Google+ to make contact with like minds because Facebook has drama that infects what use to be all the sane people I new a know its like they have been infected with so sort of ,Heck ? I dont know . Something! that has rotted their their souls and made them hard . Whats? up with that ? 

She will be heard .

To whom it may concern ,
             I have had enough . I am tried of students in school not being heard . Someone has to stop it . Stop the faculty from thinking that they are so sort of Gods . That a student is just a filler in a set , that has no voice to be heard . And no choice but to sit and take it . Perfectly great kids being knocked down by words and actions that come from their teachers that have no clue what is going through the mind of that student . And by this I am not saying all teachers are like this , but  rather here in Randolph county N.C.  it is that way . I don't know how many times I have had to go to South West High School to deal with a inconsiderate teacher for behaving badly  . They have idea  at any time what is going on in a student's mind nor do they seem to care , but when it comes to my student, my child . I will not let them get away  with the remarks the say or the actions the do . My child has be ridiculed and made to to think she has no worth . They accuse her of lying and skipping . They have made comments like''ONLY CUTTERS WEAR T-SHIRTS LIKE THAT or '' Im saying you're lying but''. But nothing ! Who knows how many students drop out of school or even worse commit suicide due to the way that the grown ups treat them in these schools . Words hurt worse  when they come from someone you looked up too . I would much rather be beaten then to have someone call me a liar and I am grown woman .
 And I have  beaten when I was a student in high school  maybe not by a teacher but by someone I looked up to for a time . I know a broken bone will mend ,  I know a bruise will fade , but  I also know that words have the ability to stay with you for a lifetime . Those words still will haunt me to this day . Sure I am grown now but at times , Times like this those words have a way finding me and I hurt all over again .